Add (for Administrators)

The add command is an adminstrative action to add new jobs into the database.

To add jobs you need to run the following command in the terminal:

ceibacli add -w http://yourCeibaInstance:8080/grapqhl -c collection_name  -j Path/to/jobs.json

Where the -w option is the web service URL. the collection_name is the collection where the data is going to be stored. Finally, the -j options is the path to the JSON file containing the jobs as an array of JSON objects. See the next Jobs File section for further information.

Jobs File

The job file is a list of json objects, like:

        "type": "awesome_simulation_1",
        "parameters": {
            "value": 3.14
        "type": "awesome_simulation_2",
        "parameters": {
            "value": 2.187

Each job is a JSON object with the parameters to perform the simulation.

How does it work?

The add command will read each job in the JSON jobs file. For each job it will generate a unique identifiers. Then, the jobs and their identifier will be stored a collection named job_your_collection_name.